Writing for media in Madrid and New York on film, performing arts, and visual art. Editing/translating for media and publishing companies in New York. In early career, writing for El Público magazine by the Ministry of Culture of Spain.
Madrid/NY Media I Madrid Magazine I NY Publishing
Madrid/NY Media
Writing for media in Madrid and in New York for El Urogallo magazine, and collaborations for The Washington Square News magazine, New York University. Focus on on film and perrforming arts.
— Articles I Photo: © Laurie Anderson’s Big Science
Madrid Magazine
Writing for El Público [The Public] performing arts magazine by the Ministry of Culture of Spain. Focus on contemporary theater and dance.
— Articles I Photo: © Aloma Lafontana for La Fura dels Baus
Madrid I New York
NEW YORK I “I started a PhD Audiovisual Creativity and Production in Madrid, and finished research and writing in New York where I studied filmmaking, worked for El Urogallo magazine, and published in media such as The Washington Square News, New York University. I ended up working for artists I used to write about. I worked with Robert Wilson, Isabella Rossellini, Fiona Shaw, and Dominique Sanda at Lincoln Center. In The Watermill Center, I met Susan Sontag and Salman Rushdie; and attended an event hosted by actor Hugh Jackman and musician Lady Gaga. I interviewed composer Philip Glass, actor John Leguizamo, and BAM director Joseph Melillo. I approached figures of the theater of images such as director Richard Foreman, director/professor Richard Schechner who accepted me to attend a theater workshop at New York University; and director Anne Bogart at Columbia University who agreed to supervise my PhD dissertation. I volunteered for The Wooster Group by Elizabeth LeCompte (Kate Valk, Willem DaFoe) at Selwyn Theater; and attended a workshop at Trisha Brown Dance Company.” —PV I PhD
“Attending a PhD program in Madrid, I was an active writer on film/art. For El Periódico, I covered a cinema books series edited by director José Luis Garci; German dramaturg Heiner Müller, and Spanish avant-garde writer Ramón Gómez de la Serna. I collaborated with Diario 16, La Verdad de Murcia newspapers, and Osmus magazine.” —PV
“I received a grant from Castilla-La Mancha government to research at Columbia University towards a PhD dissertation on Robert Wilson. The following year, I studied filmmaking in New York with the highest grant of the year by the Ministry of Culture of Spain (Fulbright program the following year). In both residencies, I wrote on film/art for The Washington Square News magazine, New York University.” —PV
“After finishing filmmking and writing studies in New York, I was assigned as US correspondent for El Urogallo magazine. I wrote on the 9/11 attacks for La Tribuna newspaper. Early morning on 10/11, I filmed next to the Twin Towers for New York Spin.” —PV
Freelance writing for media in Madrid and New York I SUBJECTS: Performing arts, visual art, film, literature. MADRID. Staff writer: El Público (magazine). Freelance: El Periódico, La Verdad, La Tribuna, Diario16 (newspapers); Ronda Iberia, Factor Cinco, Osmus (magazines). NEW YORK: Correspondent: El Urogallo (magazine). Freelance: The Washington Square News (magazine).
UK I Program leader, BA (Hons) Contemporary Media Practice, Arts University Plymouth. Work involuding shaping the new degree, teaching as principal lecturer, and managing program (staff, facilities, resources) as well as research, scholarship, and practice. Selected projects: Media Lab, innovation/technology program; MIXarts, interdisciplinary arts workshop series; and Ulysses, international artists program. “A new cutting-edge degree, is set as a hands-on program with focus on creativity and production, ranging from film, television and new media to the performing and visual arts. This program primes a new generation of contemporary media artists to meet the growing international need for innovative audiovisual content.” —PV I AUP
“It’s the destruction of the real. It’s a perfect crime that involves the destruction of the real. In words of Jean Baudrillard, guru of French postmodern theory, who claims that it happens for denying a transcendent reality in contemporary media and technological society. Denying affirming other realities –digital reality, virtual reality. Current media integrating traditional (radio, television, film) and new (online). A technological society “witnessing the evolution of a universal interconnected network of audio, video, and electronic text communications that will blur the distinction between interpersonal and mass communication and between public and private communication." Today, news come mostly from the website and television. We send messages to friends instead of calling them. And forget about table games with the family, now it’s time to hunt monsters in an interactive game. The thought-provoking side for media makers is that people receive a variety of inputs with more audiovisual information than ever before in history. A shift from a vocal society to a textual society to a visual society. […] Picasso said that art is the elimination of the unnecessary. By the contrary, in global times people are bombarded by bits of data –from messages to images– that seem to be essential for any type of living. It builds a fragmented perception of reality that has an impact on reality itself. Present-day men and women are not one world/planet in themselves. We’re satellites floating around other satellites floating around other satellites.” —Pedro Valiente [Text from AUP]
We Are Satellites Floating Around Satellites
The Invention of The Real: Capturing Contemporary Media visual essay in the frame of the new BA (Hons) Contemporary Media Practice, Arts University Plymouth, published on ARTS Magazine by ARTSevilla, Spain; and Criticcal Transmedia 12: Proscethics of the Late Anthropocene, digital book by artist/professor Phillip Baldwin, Stony Brook University, NY. I Behance Contemporary Media
The Invention of The Real: Capturing Contemporary Media
MADRID I “I may have been the youngest staff writer on performing arts in Spain. Before graduating from BA Journalism at UCM, I took my first job ever for El Público magazine by the Ministry of Culture. For four years, I was assigned to cover mostly experimental theater, contemporary dance, new authors, and avant-garde artists such as Laurie Anderson and La Fura dels Baus. For its last issue, I did the cover's feature: premiere at Centro Dramático Nacional (National Theater of Spain) of Don Juan Último directed by Robert Wilson with text by Vicente Molina Foix. I Articles
Robert Wilson is “an American experimental theater stage director and playwright who has been described by The New York Times as [America's] or even the world' s foremost vanguard 'theater artist.”
[Texts: Wikipedia]
Laurie Anderson is “an American avant-garde artist, composer, musician, and film director whose work spans performance art, pop music, and multimedia projects. Laurie was married to musician Lou Reed.”
Heiner Müller was “a German dramatist, poet, writer, essayist and theatre director. His "enigmatic, fragmentary pieces" are a significant contribution to postmodern drama and postdramatic theater.“
La Fura dels Baus is “a Spanish theater group founded in 1979 in Moià, Barcelona, known for their urban theater, use of unusual settings and blurring of the boundaries with the audience.”
Staff writer for performing arts magazine El Público, Centro de Documentación Teatral, INAEM (Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y la Música), Ministry of Culture of Spain, arguably, main specialized media on performing arts for decades in Ibero America.
Performing Arts
Robert Wilson. Rechazo el teatro que presenta conclusiones
American Buffalo: la senda del perdedor
Guerrero en casa. Monstruo de lo posible
Teatro contemporáneo para Madrid
Árbol tembloroso. Un cuento australiano
Mujeres en el armario. Entre bromas y veras
La palabra es lo más importante
Sartre-Facio. A puerta cerrada: el infierno son los otros
Ello dispara: realidad prisionera
Caroca: Un día cualquiera. Un monólogo con quince personajes
XII Festival de Almagro: el teatro clásico más cerca
XI Festival Internacional de Teatro de Madrid. El año de la nostalgia
Almagro. Grandes esperanzas para un clásico de quince años
Festival de Almagro. El clásico enredo
Las jornadas clásicas de Almagro. El teatro siempre es moderno
EI perro del hortelano: un clásico frente al mar
El lindo don Diego: la necesidad de engañarse
La noche toledana: de claro en claro
Tríptico de los Pizarro: la soberbia que eclipsó el sol
Lazarillo de Tormes: pícaro y brujo
Cádiz. Nuevas propuestas del teatro iberoamericano
V Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz: una inyección de energía
FIT-89. Cádiz: se acabó el maratón
Hécuba, de Eurípides, dirigida por Emilio Hernández. El mito de la madre universal
La cisma de Ingalaterra: el espejo roto de la ambición
Nueva serie en TVE: Iberoamérica y su teatro
Castilla-La Mancha: El teatro no viaje en el Ave