New York Spin (63:00)
New York Spin
(2002, Spain/United States, 87min, 63min) documentary feature film
New York Spin is an ’ecology of souls’. A portrait of New Yorkers lives and dreams. The film follows for two years people from different walks of life as it turns into a mosaic of the city and a celebration of diversity.
63:00 version presents 6 main characters. 87:00 version adds 18 side characters. Lester Humphrey boy from Brooklyn loves The Rock. Lida Ahmady is an Afghan student of Chinese medicine. Priest Luis Brrios baptized The Latin Kings. Patty Ordóñez is a deaf costume designer. Bosnian drummer Darko Jelisic lost his hand at war. Mexican David Matiano dreams of dancing in New York.
SYNOPSIS “Multicultural portrait of the city through the lives and dreams of New Yorkers that turns into a challenging story when the Twin Towers are attacked on September 11.“ I IMDb I Dossier
CAST Lester Humphrey, Lida Ahmady, Luis Barrios, Patty Ordóñez, Darko Jelisic, David Matiano (63:00 version)
CREW Director/writer/producer: Pedro Valiente I Producer/sound: David Matiano I Executive producer: José Manuel Valiente I Associate producer: Hebe Joy I DP/sound design: Pedro Valiente, I Additional photography: Fernando Gayesky I Editor: Vanessa Marimbert I Postproduction editor: Juan Carlos Irarrázaval I Postproduction lab: Javier Lafaille I Graphic design: Sonia Higuera MUSIC Nitin Sawhney, Laurie Anderson, Martin Bauer, D’Divaz, Patricia Kraus, Nando Cea, Chaula Pu Prithpaz TECH INFO Running time: 87:00, 63:00 I Format: HD video, color I Country: Spain/US I © 2002 Flying Fish Work
Spin: turn, thread, story
New York Spin receives ten honors in over forty international film festivals
Project Involve Award Honoree, Independent Feature Project New York (US) 2001 Best Documentary Film, Santo Domingo International Film Festival (Dominican Republic) 2006 Best Documentary Film Jury Mention, Lleida Film Festival (Spain) 2003 Best Documentary Film Nominee, Roma Independent Film Festival (Italy) 2003 Avid Film Camp Award, Digital Media Center, Portland (US) 2001 Media Arts Finalist, Jerome Robbins Foundation, New York (US) 2002 Kodak Award Finalist, Roy W. Dean Foundation, New York (US) 2001 Crossover Semifinalist, Web Lab Rockefeller Foundation, Miami (US) 2001 Postproduction Award Finalist, Bay Area Video Center, San Francisco (US) 2001 Grant Finalist, Fulbright Commission, Madrid (US/Spain) 2001
FILM FESTIVALS Screenings in 40+ film festivals in 12 countries including Los Angeles, Brussels, Boston,and Miami FILM MARKETS Mipcom Cannes (France), IDFA Amsterdam (Holland), HotDocs Toronto (Canada), Málaga Film Festival (Spain) MADRID Casa de América, Círculo de Bellas Artes, La Casa Encendida DISTRIBUTION National Film Network (New York), Flying Fish Work (Madrid) I IMDb
New York Spin reviewed by Variety and international press
"This film shows filmmaking talent." Carole Dean, director Roy W. Dean Foundation, New York I "A very good film." Francesca Garrigues, Director Discovery Channel Ibérica, Madrid I "I’m fascinated by this project: its concept, characters, structure, everything intrigues me." Deborah Cravey, acquisitions director Digital Media Center, Portland, US. I Dossier
"Part experimental tone poem, part heartfelt elegy for 9/11 and part paean to the cultural richness of Gotham, Pedro Valiente's documentary focuses on six New Yorkers, each separately put in the spotlight in segments very differently conceived, shot and scored. As film's coda makes clear, shooting wrapped shortly before 9/11, and the scattershot insertion of references to the World Trade Center disaster, though perfectly understandable, tends to work against the carefully modulated internal rhythms oft he film. Still, at 63 minutes, this engrossing, imagistic portrait of the city and its denizens should prove a welcome short addition to fest and arty cable lineups. […] DV lensing, editing, and music choices are strong." I VARIETY, Ronnie Scheib I Review on July 26 at 2003 New York International Latino Film Festival
New York Spin explores transmedia storytelling
New York Spin is a project on transmedia storytelling: 87:00 feature film for movie theaters; 63:00 film for TV; six short films and eighteen stories for digital networks. A cutting-edge site was built in 2002 including interactive content/navigation. Structure follows opposites: first/last, win/lose, up/down, in/out. Segments are connected, some characters appear in several stories, and the last character is seen in all of them. I Cast: 6 characters, 18 side characters I Team: Two-men crew, 14 interviewers, 12 collaborators, 60 participants I Production: 120h footage and 150+ shooting days in 16 months I Boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island I States: New York/Upstate, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, San Francisco, Pennsylvania, Vermont I Countries: US, Spain, Mexico, Dominican Republic. I Behance
Pedro Valiente director I David Matiano producer
“It seems frightening to scratch the surface of reality: ice and fire burn at opposite poles of Earth laws and human metaphors. Maybe this is why meeting people is a radical challenge. Approaching daily life, New York Spin aims to recompose a broken mirror through an intimate portrait of the city. Emotional pain of fragmented memory, dreamed or conjectured, is believed to redeem humanity. Through a tapestry woven from everyday life, the film manipulates characters as illusionists do both for simple beauty and symbolic power. An overreaching view that grows from the heart of New York.” —PV
Ice and Fire Burn
Script I Stories I Characters
Scene 1 I Int - Day I Shadows in blue The world in a breath I Silence. Blue. A human landscape of lights and shadows. A man is breathing. A woman is breathing. The world is listening. I The world in a wave I A kite flies over the heads of people of all colors. The ocean roars. Seagulls are hungry. I Three girl friends steal water from the sea. A brave boy throws sand! Grandma is barefot. I What do the voices say? I The world in a soul I A woman cleans the back of a Green Man. Pigeons!! I The sunset is lit by the wonder wheel. And the Coney Island towers are not twins. I What do the voices say? Scene 2 I Ext - Day I Coney Island The song Homelands by British-Indian Nitin Sawhney enters over a flying kite. I The music, passionate and hybrid, fills a small moment in the life of the city: a sunset in Coney Island, where the geographical edge of New York meets the spirit of the rest of the world. I We also hear voices in different languages. And the beginning of the last poem written by Samuel Becket: What is the word. I What is the word as a New York portrait. [Script excerpt]
“People departing and arriving, people speaking and in silence / expected dirt and unexpected charm / endless waits and sudden achievements / exhilarating climax and poetic staging / threatening shadows and essential presences / end roads and roads with no start / shame and pride / political unrest, social protest, critical grotesque / tradition defense, family celebration / pain, suffering, anger, cries, screams, howls / happiness, joy, hope, laughs, whispers, chants / passion, love, beauty.” I “Lester Humphrey plays with his wrestler’s toys in the bath / Luis Barrios supports the Puerto Rican group macheteros / Darko Jelisic recalls war / John Kelly discusses HIV / Judith Le Blanc says she has never been in another capitalist country / Juan Fernández describes his worst fire / Patty Ordóñez is totally silent / Carmen Curihuentro explains why she hides from Chilean police / Carl Jacobsen remains in blindness / Stephanie Monsu sticks a cigar in Keith The Clown’s butt / Richard Washington assists a baptism in a bath tab / Peanut’s grandmother doesn’t want him to keep pigeons in the closet / Patricio Díaz talks about champion horses / Daniela Caminos dances flamenco in the snow / Lisa Rubin lives surrounded by strange creatures / Aunt Rae cannot talk about her children / Enrique Cantori warns against cooked food / George P. Crayton III performs kung fu / Baby Lucy Gammon smiles / Cynthia Walker confesses she may never be able to conceive / Dr. Dean Benzia talks about terminal illness / Lida Ahmady cries talking about Afghanistan / Ken Cron envisions cyberspace / David Matiano fulfills his mother’s dream / and more.” —PV
[FIRST] What have you done in New York for the FIRST time? LESTER HUMPHREY Wrestling fun I DANIELA CAMINOS Uruguayan flamenco dancer I JUAN DOMIÍNGUEZ Spanish firefigther I CYNTHIA WALKER African American writer
[LAST] What is your LAST challenge in New York? LUIS BARRIOS Puerto Rican priest I CARMEN CURIHUENTRO Mapuche Ambassador, Chile I JUDITH LEBLANC Native American communist producer I KEN CRON CEO Interactive Games, Vivendi Universal
[UP] How many times have you been UP in New York? LIDA AHMADY Afghan student of Chinese medicine I DR DEAN BENZIA Croatian doctor I GEORGE P. CRAYTON III African American-Chinese Kung Fu master I CHRIS ALEXANDER NYPD detective
[DOWN] What brings you DOWN to Earth in New York? PATTY ORDÓÑEZ Deaf costume designer I STEPHANIE MONSU Ring master I RICHARD WASHINGTON African American gospel singer
[IN] Do you know what it is to be IN New York? DARKO JELISIC Bosnian musician I PATRICIO DÍAZ Chilean artist I LUCY GAMMON Baby
[OUT] Does New York bring OUT the best or the worst in you? DAVID MATIANO Mexican dancer I JOHN KELLY Performer I LISA RUBIN Artist I JAY NÚÑEZ Pigeons breeder
New York Spin (87:00 version) 6 characters + 18 side characters I (63:00 version) 6 characters.
SIDE CHARACTERS: Kiesha Humphrey, Jherika Thompson, Mickey Humphrey, Che James, Ashley Robinson, George Grayton Jr, Samantha Robinson, Leeza Ahmady, Manuel Matiano, María Luisa Molinar, Claudia Matiano, Dushan Zaric, Debbie Swamback, Sarabeth Weiner, Martin Gammon, Amy Manniatis, ‘Peanut’ El Palomero I INTERVIEWERS: Pedro Valiente, David Matiano, Lida Ahmady, Hebe Joy, Laurie Churba, Christina Bifano, Gabriela Stephens, Fernando Gayesky, Cristina Torres, Lucía Padrone, Alison Ward, Juan Manuel Benítez, Claudia Matiano, Walter Bell, Grissette Alvarado.
9/11 I Early Cinema I Visual Art
Along with the French documentary film 9/11 (2002) about New York firefighters, New York Spin (2002) is one of the few films in the world that integrated in its natural process of filmming before/during/after the attacks on September 11. These screenshots include images of Wall Street district recorded on video on September 12, around 7-8am. Only Japanese and American TV crews, along with Pedro Valiente, were present just a couple of blocks from the army guarding access to Ground Zero.
“New York Spin is dedicated to New Yorkers and Lester Michael Jack Humphrey in memoriam. I met Lester at a company where I worked on Broadway Ave. with his mother, Kiesha Humphrey. A beautiful boy, all about Hollywood star Dwyane Johnson, and his famous ‘If you smellll-(tongue flick)-llll what The Rock is cooking’. Lester lives in our memory, and Kiesha‘s words in my heart: You [through New York Spin] definitely were a good part of my Lester’s story on earth. May you be well, healthy, and happy.” —PV
Lester Humphrey
New York Spin presents early cinema from 1895 to 1907 from the Library of Congress of the US. Some films may be world premiere.
Early Cinema
New York Spin produced posters, flyers, invitations, cards, DVDs, and press booklet produced in New York. It features Flamenco dancer Daniela Camino, Brooklyn boy Lester Humphrey, costume designer Patty Ordóñez, circus artist Stephanie Monsu, and gospel follower. The series includes sketches from a private collection. I Visual Art
Visual Art
All Is Connected
New York Spin is a project on transmedia storytelling: 87:00 feature film for movie theaters; 63:00 film for TV; six short films and eighteen stories for digital networks. A cutting-edge site was built in 2002 including interactive content/navigation. Structure follows opposites: first/last, win/lose, up/down, in/out.
— Transmedia documentary feeature films
“Imagine a drop of blue water in an ocean of salt”
New York Spin start on T-Shirt: “Imagina una gota de agua azul en un océano de sal”.