selected projects
Factory art hub at national museum, Jordan I Myths MX arts at museum, Mexico I Transmedia workshop at university, Chile I Entramados art/film at university, Spain I The Barbaric Country site at Innovation Week, Mx I Family Tree film at university, Mx I The Story of Colors arts at NGO, Dominican Republic.
Arts Hub
Art hub created by Spanish artist Rocío Villalonga at The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts. Contemporary dance coordinator: Pedro Valiente.
—Penelope is Waiting in Jordan
Arts Event
Film/stage/art event by Tecnológico de Monterrey, Chih at Quinta Gameros museum, Mexico. Project director: Pedro Valiente.
—Myths MX in Mexico
Arts Event
Media/arts event at UDIT University, Madrid. International Relations director / Entramados co-producer: Pedro Valiente.
—Entramados in Spain
Arts Event
Event and symposium by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Artist Talk: Pedro Valiente.
—Transmedia in Chile
BEHANCE I Factory art hub at national museum, Jordan. Myths MX film/stage/art event at museum, Mexico. Transmedia workshop at university, Chile. PROJECTS: Entramados arts event at university, Madrid. The Barbaric Country film/art program at university, Mx. Family Tree film/art program at university, Mx. The Story of Colors arts program at NGO, Dominican Republic.
Transmedia Workshop I Collaborator: Pedro Valiente
Transmedia (2014) Workshop and Performance by Phillip Baldwin for university students and artists. Connected with Crossing Stages UC3M European project.
BA Communication director: Virginia Aceves I Myths MX director: Pedro Valiente
Myths MX (2017) film/stage/art event at Semana i (Innovation Week) by Tecnológico de Monterrey, Chih; produced at Quinta Gameros, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua for local audience and press. Connected with Crossing Stages UC3M European project.
JNGFA: President: Princess Wijdan Al Hashemi I Director: Dr Khalid Khreis I Coordinators: Bana Fanous, Khuzama Abu Jabeh. FACTORY: Director: Rocío Villalonga I Coordinator: Khaldoun Hijazin I Dance coordinator: Pedro Valiente
Factory (2018-) “Factory is an open platform on contemporary art, innovation, and research.” —Factory
Arts/Science/Technology event, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, connected to Crossing Stages UC3M European project.
Coordinators: Artists/lecturers Pamela Díaz Lobos, Carolina Cortés, et al.
Myths MX at Innovation Workshop presents film/media, photo, and writing by students, guest speakers, and Quinta Gameros team connecting Mexicans with classic myths. Choreographer Cynthia Correa projects her performance live on screen.
“I received a letter of recognition from JNGFA for coordinating contemporary dance for Factory, which in 2024 still grows through Digital Transmissions (British Council, UK), and Midan Project (Ryuji Yagamuchi, Japan). Spanish artist Rocío Villalonga created Factory as I joined to build it in February 2018. Then Dr. Khalid Khreis and team took over starting with In The Margin Festival.” —PV I Photo: Midan Project, Penelope is Waiting at Factory
Program director: Guadalupe Lima I Project director: Pedro Valiente
Family Tree (2006) (Árbol Genealógico) documentary film project where “the past can be a thrilling journey that may change your life.” It tells the story of young people in Mexico City who face the challenge of their family tree as they learn hidden secrets mostly from grandparents.
Program director: Virginia Aceves, Head of Media I Project director: Pedro Valiente
The Barbaric Country (2013) (El País Bárbaro) site produced at Innovation Week by students (Architecture, Engineering, Law): film, photo, writing, and design by Marlyn Chacón/Karla Ramírez. Connected to The House of My Dreams and Barbaric Portraits films. “Barbaric” honors Chih. State brave people.
UDIT director: Rafael Díaz I International Relations director/Entramados co-producer: Pedro Valiente
Entramados (2013) (Framework) arts event at UDIT University of Design, Innovation & Technology, in partnership with Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid. Entramados set an international forum and exhibition for universities and schools including artwork by upcoming artists.
Disciplines Fiction and animation merge as contributors share their experiences. Generations High school students attending an interdisciplinary program make a family tree. Universities Lecturers from Tec Mx City, Mx State. Crew by students from Tec Mx State, Universidad Anáhuac. Michelle Arellano, senior student at Tec Chih, created artwork. 2 universities, 4 campus. I Behance
Innovation Week Semana i looks at a "global vision, entrepreneur spirit, and human awareness" in the context of Tec21 Educational Model. Tec de Monterrey, Chih also started a Transversal Program with guest lecturers in Film/Media from Mexico and Spain. I Behance
Entramados program and talk including Carmelo Romero, Malaga Film Festival director
Animation Ottawa International Animation Festival (Canada), Santa Fe University of Art and Design (US), Tec de Monterrey (Mx). Fashion Domus Academy, Milan (Italy), Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Universidad Jannette Klein (Mx), Shih Chien University (Taipei), National Institute of Fashion Technology (India). UDIT I Behance
Director: David Matiano I Art: Lisa Rubin I Film: Pedro Valiente
The Story of Colors (2002) (La historia de los colores) arts project by Teatro de La Luna Luna for Oné Respe NGO as part of a year-round program.
Education Oné Respe means honor and respect in Creole. Founded by Catuxo Badillo and Natacha Calderón in Gurabo, it has worked for decades in support of children and developing communities.
Arts “In The Story of Colors the Gods, tired of Black and White, create the colors and spread them on Earth: Green, Blue, Red... They set all colors on the Quetzal as a celebration of peace, freedom, and diversity.” —Teatro de La Luna Luna. I Behance
Director: José Manuel Valiente I Production coordinator: Pedro Valiente
Threevents (2010-), based in Madrid, is an agency “specialized in design and production of live events including projects in the US (New York, Washington DC), Latin America (Havana, Cancun, Mexico City), Europe (Nuremberg, Vienna, Paris, Amsterdam, Cannes), and Africa (Marrakesh, Tunisia).” —Threevents
Institutions: Spanish Film Academy, Segittur, Madrid State, La Liga Companies: Chevrolet, Telefónica, SAP, Saint-Gobain, Insurance World Challenges. I Behance
Micana founder Sara Conde is a live events producer/media professional. Web design including Threevents, Flying Fish Work, You Are Mythical, and Penelope is Waiting
International Relations NYFA I US
BA Contemporary Media AUP I UK
European Project UC3M I Europe
International Film Festival I Mx
Film/TV Event Espacio Cine I Mx
The Story of Colors dance/art, NGO I DR
Family Tree film/art, university I Mx
Enntramados film/art, university I Madrid
The Barbaric Country film/art, univ. I Mx
Transmedia arts/technology, univ. I Chile
Myths MX film/art, museum I MX
Factory arts hub, museum I Jordan
FILM Barbaric Portraits I Uranus & Gea I Nemesis I Oniris